Please read these Terms of Use of the Platform carefully before you start using them, which is subject to their application. By using our platform, you confirm that you accept the Terms of Use and undertake to comply with them. If you do not accept the Platform Terms of Use, you will not be able to use our Platform.
Before making a transaction on this platform, please also read carefully these General Booking Conditions, which will govern purchases. If you do not accept these General Booking Conditions, please do not use our platform.


These terms of use govern the use of the "STILIO" platform service in any version that can be displayed, from the STILIO APP to any other channel, current or future, that SRL "Stilio" will provide.
1.2 Identification details of the service provider through the STILIO Platform:This platform is managed by Stilio Digital Srl, registered in the Republic of Moldova, tax code: 1022600029811, I.Gagarin 10 (in short "STILIO", "we", "us" or "our / a / the / e ").
1.3 For any communication with STILIO, you can send an email to: [email protected].


TERMS - a global informational system accessible to the general public, logically interconnected through a global address space, based on internet protocol as defined by international standards;
Website/Web Platform - the totality of pages (sites) available on the Internet, combined according to content and navigation, assigned a unique IP address, located on the Internet at the address: as well as its derivatives and subdomains hosting information about the Provider, Beneficiary/Partner, regarding the provision of services;
Beneficiary/Partner - a natural or legal person - resident/non-resident, who has entered into a contract with the Provider regarding the placement of information on the website or has a business account on the STILIO platform and has accepted the platform's terms of use;
Services - services provided by STILIO concerning:
  • the possibility for individuals/legal persons/owners/administrators of salons or professionals to register on the STILIO platform and promote their activity and services within it;
  • the possibility for users to schedule, modify, or cancel appointments at salons registered on the STILIO platform;
  • the possibility for Partners with business accounts on the platform to virtually manage and monitor appointments made within their salon, as well as employee activity (if applicable);
  • any other benefits resulting from the use of the features of the STILIO web platform;
Salon - providers of goods and services offering their products and services for sale on the website.
Salon Products and Services - products, goods, and/or services offered for sale or booking on the website.
Center - STILIO Web/Application Platform
Platform - STILIO mobile app and web application
User-Generated Content (UGC) - opinions, comments posted by users.
Web Page IP Address - a digital and/or symbolic identifier of domain names in the hierarchical domain name system as defined by international standards on the Internet.
Provider/Administrator of the Platform - a person who has all the necessary accesses and passwords to ensure the normal functioning of the platform and also has the right to provide advertising and information services to users and partners on the platform. According to the terms of this Agreement, the Provider is the administrator of the platform.
User/Subscriber - any natural or legal person of legal capacity who visits and/or interacts with the website or the "STILIO" mobile application (found on AppleStore / Google Play Market), including for consultation, reservation, or purchase of services; to schedule, modify, or cancel appointments with Partners registered on the STILIO platform or, as the case may be, to become a Partner by entering into an electronic contract/agreement with STILIO and having a business account on the STILIO platform/potential recipients of services interested in purchasing the services presented on the website.
The mere use of the web platform or mobile application implies the full and unconditional acceptance of all the provisions listed in this document in the version published by STILIO at the same time the User accesses the STILIO platform.
Partner Page - the information about the partner posted on the platform that may also contain information about them as a service provider, location, contact details, etc. The structure and interface (view) of the Partner Page are determined by the Administrator. The structure and interface of the Partner Page may vary, but the Administrator guarantees the Partner the retention of data previously entered into the personal account (personal office, - a part of the information from the website available for viewing and editing by the Partner by entering the username and password. The structure and interface of the Personal Account are determined by the Administrator. The structure and interface of the Personal Account can be modified, but the Administrator guarantees the Partner the retention of previously entered data;
Registration - the Partner's acceptance of the offer to conclude this electronic contract/agreement and the procedure in which the Partner, by completing the relevant forms of the platform, provides the necessary information for the use of the services on the website. Registration is considered complete only when all stages have been successfully completed according to the instructions posted on the website;
Payments - payments for the portal's services (subscription, online service payments, etc.) that can be made through commercial banks to the settlement account described herein. Payment procedures are regulated by the Bank;
Third Party - advertising agencies, contest sponsors, promotional and marketing partners, and other individuals who provide content for the platform or whose products or services the Provider considers of interest;
Device - any device connected to the internet, such as a phone, tablet, computer, or any other device that can be used to visit STILIO and use the services offered.


STILIO reserves the right to modify the terms of use of the STILIO platform; therefore, the User must carefully read these terms on each occasion they intend to use the STILIO platform, as they may be modified. However, the conditions in place at the time of purchasing the service will apply to services already purchased by the User.
The T&C do not exclude the possibility that certain STILIO services, due to their specific characteristics, may also be subject to specific terms of use. In any case, these terms can be consulted by the User before purchasing the respective service.
The main function of the platform is:
A center for collecting and reserving data for goods and services provided by third parties who want to offer their products or services for sale on our platform ("Partners").
Depending on the development and evolution of the Center's services, STILIO may also expand or modify the same services, including new ones or replacing services, activities, or content.
We have established the conditions for your access to our platform and all products or services offered within it. These conditions include the terms and conditions governing:
  • your rights to use our platform and connect to it (these "Platform Use Terms");
  • your rights to use our platform and connect to it (these "Platform Use Terms");
Our general booking conditions for third-party products and services offered by us on the Site ("Our General Booking Conditions"), and your obligations to submit comments or other contributions and content created by you on our platform ("User-Generated Content" or also referred to as "User-Generated Content" or "Opinions" or "Comments").
These conditions are collectively or individually referred to as "Our Terms and Policies."
If you wish to participate in contests or other promotions on the Site, additional special terms and conditions may apply in addition to these Terms and Policies. In the event of a conflict between the specific terms and conditions and these Terms and Policies, the specific terms will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
We may periodically amend our Terms and Policies, in which case the updated versions will be published on the Site. It will be your responsibility to periodically review the Terms and Policies to ensure that the changes are satisfactory. It will be assumed that you have accepted the changes to the Terms and Policies if, once they are communicated to you on the home page of our platform, you continue to access or use the platform.


These Platform Usage Terms govern the methods of use. By accessing the platform, you commit to adhering to these Usage Terms. The platform usage terms apply regardless of the means of accessing the Site, including but not limited to the internet, digital television, and mobile phones.
If you do not accept the Platform Usage Terms, you will not be able to use them. Prior to using the platform, you must read all the Usage Terms.


Access to the STILIO platform is free with a limited set of functionalities, designed to favor the full range of capabilities; these can be expanded through available subscriptions. The cost of the connection made through telecommunications services provided by the User's chosen telephone and internet network provider is not included in the platform costs.
Access to the platform may be temporary. We reserve the right to close or modify our platform without notice (as well as to withdraw or modify all products and services offered within it). We cannot be held responsible for the unavailability of our platform or any part of it at any time or for any period, regardless of the reason.
We periodically update the platform, the content of which may change at any time without notice. We reserve the right to close, modify, or suspend the platform (or any part of it) at any time and without notice.
Materials and information published on the platform should not be interpreted as recommendations or relied upon as such. Therefore, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, we disclaim any liability arising from any use of such information.
It is your responsibility to prepare what is necessary to access the platform and view it, as well as to ensure that you have installed up-to-date antivirus software on all devices used to access the platform.
Your responsibility is to ensure that anyone using your internet connection to access the platform is familiar with the Terms of Use.


You cannot use the platform inappropriately:
  • Intentionally introducing viruses, trojans, computer errors, logic bombs, time bombs, keyloggers, spyware programs, software containing advertisements or other elements, programs, or codes that affect the operation of software or computer equipment (or designed for this purpose); and/or
Obtaining or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to the server hosting the platform, or any other server, computer, or database connected to the STILIO platform;
  • and/or disrupting the service of the platform with isolated cyber attacks or simultaneous attacks from multiple sources.
Violating this clause could serve as the basis for pursuing any type of liability, including criminal liability under the provisions of Chapter XI of the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova, dated 18.04.2002. We will report such violations to competent judicial authorities and cooperate by disclosing your identity. If you commit such violations, you will immediately lose the right to use our platform.
In the event a User creates accounts in violation of the established terms (registering with false or third-party data, creating multiple accounts by falsifying their identity, creating accounts for third parties, etc.), STILIO reserves the right to:
(i) suspend the provision of any service purchased by the User, without the right to a refund of the amounts paid for its purchase,
(ii) cancel the aforementioned accounts, voiding any credits that may have accumulated in them,
(iii) prohibit the creation of new accounts for the aforementioned User and/or prohibit or cancel access to the STILIO platform,
(iv) and, in any case, attribute damages and losses caused to STILIO due to fraudulent use of the STILIO platform to the User.
We reserve the right to revoke registrations on the platform and/or to cancel all or part of the Members' rights. We disclaim any liability for losses or damages caused by a Member's inability to access platform pages.
We also have the right to deactivate all user identification codes and passwords at any time, whether chosen by you or assigned by us, if, in our reasonable opinion, you have not complied with the provisions of any of our Terms and Policies.
If you know or suspect that the identification code or password to access your member profile is known to others, you must notify us immediately at the email address [email protected].
The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of services offered on the STILIO platform will be under their full responsibility and/or risk. Anyone using the STILIO platform does so on their own and at their own risk, with STILIO not being responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist in the content of the STILIO platform or of others that can be accessed through it. Additionally, STILIO cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the STILIO platform and for any actions based on the information contained therein.
By purchasing a service published on the STILIO platform, the User undertakes to comply with all requirements that the Center establishes as necessary for the proper provision of the service. Otherwise, the Center may, at its discretion, choose not to provide the service without refunding the amount to the User.
The User undertakes not to undertake any action that could harm the reputation of STILIO or third parties. The User releases STILIO from liability in case their User account is canceled or suspended due to violations of the T&C provisions, especially if the User fails to pay the service price or uses proven or suspected fraudulent accounts.
The User is solely and exclusively responsible for the use of the STILIO platform and its content, and Stilio cannot be held responsible for any use of the STILIO platform contrary to current legislation. In case of unlawful activities or violations of these T&C, STILIO reserves the right to prohibit the User's access to the STILIO platform without any prior notice.


Wherever the functionality of the platform allows, the User can, once the provided service has been received, publish comments or reviews on the services offered by the Center, always reporting the truth of the facts, expressing themselves with grammatical correctness, and using language without offense and inappropriate manners of speech.
STILIO may delete any content or suspend the service if it deems, at its sole discretion, that the User violates any of the rules and obligations described in the T&C or if it is deemed inappropriate and/or false in STILIO's opinion.
All published comments will be attributed to the name of the Member provided by them or to the name of the social media account they connect with, but their email address will not be published on the Site.
We reserve the right to refuse the publication of UGCs that do not comply with our Policy or to cancel those already published without notice. We disclaim any liability for losses or damages caused by the decision to refuse the publication of a UGC or to delete those already published.
We also reserve the right to close Subscriber accounts and/or to deny certain users the ability to post their UGCs on the platform in case of repeated and/or serious violations of the provisions of the User-Generated Content Policy.
User opinions, including those expressed in UGCs published by platform Subscribers or other members of the public, belong to those who publish them and not to STILIO, which disclaims any responsibility for the content.
However, if you believe that the content of a user published on the platform is in any way offensive, obscene, defamatory, racist, harmful, incorrect, illegal, illicit, or deceptive, please inform us at the email address [email protected]., indicating "Defamatory Comments" in the subject line. Upon receiving the complaint, we may remove the UGC that caused it or block access to it.


At the moment, Stilio only charges for salon-only subscriptions and individual craftsmen. The list of subscriptions can be found by accessing the link
Terms regarding the procurement and use of subscriptions:
  • Subscriptions are offered for a limited period specified in the subscription.
  • The payment made cannot be refunded after purchasing the subscription.
  • The user has the option to migrate from one subscription to another, paying only the difference between the cost.
  • Payments are processed by credit or debit card through the processor MAIB payments.
  • Data such as the full card number, expiry date and CVV are not stored by the Stilio platform.
  • The subscriptions themselves include recurring payments, meaning that upon expiry subscription, the Stilio platform will try to deduct the payment for the next one period.
  • Payments are processed in foreign currency (Euro), according to the conversion rate set by the bank.
  • The user has the option to stop recurring payments from the platform at least o month until the subscription expires.
  • In case of insufficient funds on the account, the user's subscription will expire automatically on the free version after a 7-day grace period.
  • Each subscription includes a set of functionalities offered or services provided by to the Stilio Platform / Team.
  • In case of any disputes disputes can be sent to [email protected] and the team Stilio will take them up to find an amicable solution for both parties.
  • Purchases of subscriptions for the Stilio Business App through the Apple App Store are managed by Apple. By subscribing, you agree to Apple’s terms for in-app purchases and subscription billing. Refund requests must be directed to Apple as they govern the transaction process. Users can manage or cancel subscriptions via their Apple ID settings at any time. Please review Apple’s App Store Terms of Service for further details.
  • Apple's App Store Terms


The content of the STILIO platform, including designs, applications, texts, images, and source code (collectively referred to as "Content"), is protected by STILIO's intellectual and industrial property rights. STILIO is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the STILIO platform and the Content, or has obtained the necessary authorizations or licenses for its use and/or exploitation.
Furthermore, STILIO is the owner of the domain name of the STILIO platform, trademarks, and distinctive signs, the reservation management tool, information, and all other works and inventions related to the STILIO platform, as well as the associated technology.
6.2. In no way may the Content be used, reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form without the prior written and explicit permission of STILIO.
6.4. The User declares that they hold all authorizations and licenses for the comments, images, distinctive signs, and content they may include and/or publish, thereby exempting STILIO from any liability related to these.
6.5. Additionally, the User grants STILIO a license for use exclusively for the publication and moderation of their comments.
6.6. The User and, in general, any natural or legal person wishing to introduce a hypertext link or others (e.g., links or widgets) ("hyperlink") must obtain prior written authorization from STILIO.
The creation of a hyperlink in no way implies the existence of a relationship between STILIO and the owner of the platform where there is a hyperlink or widget, nor the acceptance or approval by STILIO of its content or services.
In any case, STILIO reserves the right to prevent or render useless any hyperlink or widget to the STILIO platform, especially in the case of illegal activity and its content.
6.7. The STILIO platform may provide the User, for the exclusive purpose of researching and accessing information, content, and services available on the internet, with hypertext links or other connecting devices (e.g., links or buttons) that allow the User to access websites or internet portals owned or managed by third parties ("Linked Sites").
The STILIO platform does not offer or sell for itself or through third parties the information, content, and services available on the Linked Sites, nor does it endorse, supervise, or control in any way the content and services and any material of any kind existing in them; therefore, the User is solely responsible for navigating through them.
You will be able to access, view, and print a copy of this platform and all the information, images, and other content (excluding UGC) published on the Site ("Materials"), strictly adhering to these Terms of Use of the platform.
The platform and Materials may be viewed, printed, used, referenced, and quoted for personal and non-commercial use, on the condition that appropriate recognition is given to STILIO.
Nothing in the aforementioned license will affect or limit the moral rights of the author over the Materials.
We explicitly reserve all intellectual property rights to the platform and materials, the use of which is subject to the limitations described below. You will not be able to:
  • Remove any copyright notices or other property rights contained in the Materials; and/or
  • Use the Materials of the platform in violation of any copyright, intellectual property rights of STILIO, or our property or that of any third party; and/or
  • Use or instruct others to use any automatic system or software for extracting content or data from this platform (with so-called "screen scraping," i.e., systematic data search and extraction), unless you or authorized third parties have a direct licensing agreement stipulating that we explicitly allow such activity; and/or
  • Reproduce, modify, display, perform, publish, distribute, transmit, exploit with framing techniques (or create other navigational or framed environments for this purpose), as well as communicate to the public or disclose to third parties or exploit this Site and/or Materials for any commercial purpose, without our prior written permission granted through a licensing agreement.


We explicitly reserve all rights to and over the domain name and all related domains and subdomains, the name "STILIO," our logo, service marks, trade names, and/or trademarks. Other trademarks, products, and company names appearing on the platform may belong to their respective owners and licensors, who remain the exclusive owners of related rights.


You may create links to any page of our platform for non-commercial purposes, as long as it is done fairly, legally, and does not harm our reputation or provide undue advantage to you. For clarity, the linked platform must not contain adult content or materials that are illegal, offensive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable.
Links to our site that imply any form of association, endorsement, or support from us will not be permitted where such does not exist. The use of framing or other techniques to remove or conceal advertisements, copyright notices, or other information published on the Site will not be allowed.
Submitting our platform to other sites through framing techniques or creating other enclosed browsing environments will not be permitted.
If you wish to link to our platform for commercial purposes or for reasons not mentioned above, or if you wish to become our partner, please contact us at [email protected].
We reserve the right to withdraw consent for hyperlinks at any time and without notice.


The confidentiality of your personal data is important to us. Please refer to our Privacy and Cookies Policy for further clarifications regarding the processing methods of your personal data that may be provided to us, as well as the use of cookies.


The STILIO platform may contain advertisements from third parties. They will be solely responsible for the content of the advertisements, and it will be their responsibility to ensure that the advertisements comply with applicable laws and regulations. We do not assume responsibility for the content of advertisements posted by third parties.
Our platform and/or Materials may contain links to external platforms (including those of our Partners). You may choose to visit an external site at your own risk. We are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed on such sites, nor for the quality of goods or services offered on them. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the links do not imply any affiliation or association between us or our platform and such sites.
Our communications to you may contain information from external sites. Materials from external sites will be identified as such, and a link to the source site may be provided. We disclaim any responsibility for the elements contained in external sites or originating from them through links included in our communications to you, nor for any use that such third parties may make of personal data.
Including a link in our communications to you does not imply our endorsement of the target platform. You may choose to use links to visit external websites at your own risk.
We remind you that by using an outbound link from our platform to visit another site, our Terms and Policies (including the Privacy and Cookies Policy) will no longer apply. Your browsing and interactions with other web platforms, including those linked to ours, are subject to the different terms and policies of those websites. Before visiting such sites, please familiarize yourself with their terms and policies.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude and reject all warranties, terms, conditions, and representations that the law might subject our platform to. In particular, we do not assert or guarantee that the platform is free from errors and immune to viruses or other harmful elements, nor that defects will be corrected. In this regard, you should take your own precautions. In any case, we will not be responsible for service interruptions caused by cyberattacks launched simultaneously from multiple sources or for viruses or other harmful technologically damaging elements that could infect your equipment and computer programs, data, or other materials owned by you as a result of your use of our platform.
We disclaim any responsibility for the lack of maintenance of our platform and/or for the delay or non-delivery of Materials.
Under these Terms of Use for the platform, we shall not be liable for indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, even if we have been informed about the possibility of incurring them.
Materials may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors, and we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness.
We disclaim any responsibility for losses caused by your actions or omissions in connection with the Materials on this Site. However, nothing in the platform's Terms of Use can affect your rights recognized by law or exclude our liability in the following cases: death or personal injury caused by negligence; fraudulent misrepresentation; and/or any other liability that we cannot exclude or limit under the laws of the Republic of Moldova.


The platform is intended to activate world wide.


The courts in Chișinău shall have exclusive jurisdiction over complaints arising from visits to or related to the Site. These general conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Moldova.


For any clarifications or questions regarding the materials published on our platform or its Terms of Use, please write to the following email address: [email protected].


  • The services that can be purchased or booked through STILIO are marketed by our partners, not by us. We are solely responsible for organizing your bookings and (in some cases) handling related payments.
  • While we are not responsible for the services provided by our partners, please report any issues or insufficient performance in their offerings. In such cases, we will do our best to assist you.
  • Prior to making a booking, please carefully review the offered services and any limitations.
  • Before booking an appointment or stay, make sure you have provided our partners with all relevant health information, including allergies or other conditions.
  • If you wish to modify a booking that has already been made, please contact the relevant company directly.
  • If you have booked an appointment, you can cancel it within 72 hours of receiving confirmation, unless otherwise specified at the time of booking. STILIO commits to fully refund bookings made within the last 72 hours.
  • If you need to get in touch with us, you can reach our team at the following addresses:
Platform: STILIO provides you access to a wide range of beauty treatments, products, and/or services available at numerous spas and salons. Such products and/or services are provided by Salons/Partners, not by STILIO. STILIO offers reservation collection services and temporarily forwards them to the relevant Salons for service delivery. Services booked through our platform are the responsibility of the Salons providing them.
From a legal standpoint, this separation of responsibilities means that when you purchase a Product or Service, two legally binding contracts are formed:
  • The first is a contract between you and STILIO, in which STILIO undertakes certain obligations related to your booking and payment. This contract is governed by these General Booking Terms.
  • The second is a contract between you and the Salon, the object of which is the delivery or provision of the Products or Services you've booked through the platform. This contract may also include the Salons' own General Terms, which will be communicated to you prior to completing your reservation on the dedicated page of the Site.
All Services viewable or bookable on the Site are offered by STILIO on behalf of its Salons. In other words, STILIO acts as a booking agent for the Salons. Therefore, we will have no liability or obligation to you for the Products or Services booked through the platform.
We periodically update the General Booking Terms as provided in the preceding points. Before engaging in a transaction on the platform, you are asked to review the General Booking Terms to ensure you understand the conditions in effect at that time.


To reserve or purchase services published on the STILIO platform, the User must register on the STILIO platform, complete the questionnaire, and accept the provided Terms & Conditions and privacy policy for this purpose. Please allocate sufficient time to read and review your booking at each finalization stage and before the final submission.
After each booking has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation message of receipt from STILIO in your personal account. However, this does not confirm that the booking has been accepted. Orders are only expressions of your intention to purchase the Products or Services described within them. Orders are subject to acceptance, and the contract between you and the Salon ("Agreement") is formed upon the dispatch of the booking. If you wish to change the characteristics (time or date) of the reserved appointment, we recommend that you directly contact the Salon, with whom you will need to agree on the new appointment time, or simply cancel the existing booking and place a new one for the desired time.
If you intend to cancel the booking, you have the option to do so through the platform.


STILIO and our Salons are legally obligated to provide Products or Services that correspond to those described in the relevant Agreement.
All Products or Services listed on the Site are provided only if available. The actual Products or Services provided may differ from the images and/or descriptions displayed on the Site, which are for illustrative purposes only. We request our Salons to verify the accuracy, completeness, and truthfulness of all information (which we cannot control) submitted to us for publication on their pages on our platform. It will be the responsibility of each Partner to verify the availability and accurate description of all their Products or Services offered on the Site.
It will be solely your responsibility (or the recipient of the Products or Services) to inform the Salon in advance of any medical or health conditions and/or special needs that could jeopardize the use of the Products or Services or could be affected by them (mentioning allergies or health issues for instance). If you (or recipients of different Products or Services) do not communicate this information to the relevant Partners/Salons, neither STILIO nor the Salons/Partners will be liable to you (or to the recipients of the Products or Services) for injuries, losses, or damages that, although caused by the Products or Services, could have been reasonably avoided if you (or the respective recipients of the Products or Services) had disclosed the above information before receiving the Products or Services.


Cancellation of a reservation can be done directly through the platform without incurring any refund costs.


Your satisfaction is important to us, and we want to ensure that we provide you with the best possible service. If you wish to make a complaint about one of our Salons or their products or services, please write to the email address [email protected]. Upon receiving the complaint, we will contact the Salon to try to resolve the issue on your behalf.
Additionally (or alternatively), if you are dissatisfied with the Products or Services provided by a Salon in relation to an Order, you can:
  • Attempt to resolve the issue by contacting the Salon directly; and/or
  • Post a review on the platform where you will accurately describe your experience.
Please note that we take all complaints regarding our Salons seriously and will do our best to assist you in resolving them, but we are not liable to you for the Products or Services provided by the Salons.


All information published on the STILIO platform (for example, but not limited to: service description, salon location, availability, staff performing the services, price) has been provided by the Center. STILIO is limited to publishing the Center's services as well as their availability, to facilitate reservations, and in the case of the Center, purchase and payment, serving as a mere intermediary service by STILIO.
All services published on the STILIO platform are created and carried out by the Center; therefore, STILIO is not responsible for the expectations created, the results of the service, its quality, or any deviations from the Center.
In the event of our fault and/or breaches of our contractual obligations to you, we shall be liable for the damages and losses suffered by you for these reasons, provided that they are foreseeable. Losses and damages are foreseeable events that are natural consequences of our negligence or contractual breach, or that both you and we have considered as likely consequences of such a breach or negligence at the time of entering into the Agreement.
We do not accept any liability for the following types of losses, arising regardless of contractual breaches, tort (including negligence), or other causes, even if the loss was foreseeable: loss of income or revenue; business interruption; loss of profits; loss of anticipated savings; loss of data; or management or employee time.
We do not exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, intentional misconduct, or as a result of fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


We may modify the General Booking Terms from time to time under the following circumstances:
  • our changes to your payment acceptance procedures;
  • changes in relevant legal and regulatory obligations;
  • other changes in our business activities that reasonably require us to modify the General Booking Terms.
Whenever we modify these General Booking Terms in accordance with these conditions, we will inform and notify you of the modified General Booking Terms, indicating the relative effective date at the top of this page.


All communications and notices should be addressed to the following email address of Stilio: [email protected]. Stilio may send its communications and notices to you via email or by posting them on the platform.
If any term of these General Booking Terms is deemed invalid, illegal, or for any reason unenforceable by a competent authority, that term, condition, or provision will be severed from the rest of the terms, conditions, and clauses, which will remain valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Force majeure (an unforeseeable, uncontrollable, and unavoidable event that affects the performance of the contract) releases the party invoking it from liability.
The non-performance of an obligation is justified if it is due to an impediment beyond the control of the debtor, and if the debtor could not reasonably be expected to avoid or overcome the impediment or its consequences.


The contractual relations between the parties are governed by the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Any dispute that cannot be resolved amicably by the parties will be referred for resolution to the competent judicial authorities of the Republic of Moldova.
List of all domains qualified under this Terms of Conditions
and all affiliated subdomains.
Renewed on October 13, 2023
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